PAN can be used to trace the financial fraud of LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees
Though the domain investor is complaining about the massive financial, work at home fraud, resume robbery of raw/cbi employees faking btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, the government agencies refuse to end the massive financial fraud, resume robbery.
The location of bank account branch will expose massive financial, work at home fraud, resume robbery of raw/cbi employees faking btech 1993 ee degree. After running their massive financial fraud since 2010, the cheater raw/cbi employees finally agree that their bank account. PAN in which they receive a monthly government salary with their fake resume is different from the domain investor, single woman engineer whose resume, data they are robbing.
The pan can be also used to trace the other bank accounts of the banking, domain fraudster resume robber raw/cbi employees. Though the liar top government employees especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay are making fake claims about the banking, domain fraudster resume robber raw/cbi employees to get them monthly government salary, in reality these fraud raw/cbi employees have never answered JEE, never studied engineering in mumbai, and have never invested in domains.
So the goan/sindhi scammers like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan have their accounts in goa, pune, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree has account only in karnataka, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel legally has bank accounts in thane, navi mumbai, haryana cheater ruchita kinge has bank account in haryana, delhi, and indore cheater housewife deepika/veena only has active bank accounts in indore in which she receives her monthly government salary.
Yet in a massive banking fraud in the indian internet sector, these cheater raw/cbi employees continue to falsely claim ownership of mumbai bank accounts of a single woman engineer, domain investor who they hate, torture and get a monthly government salary at her expense
BANKING FRAUDSTER LIAR raw/cbi employees hysterically making fake black money allegations since 2010 to get government salary
One of the indications of widespread financial fraud in india especially in the indian tech and internet sector is how BANKING FRAUDSTER LIAR raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL slim sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gurugram’s top fraud mba ruchita kinge are allowed to hysterically make fake black money allegations to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real account holder since 2010.
In all other businesses, employees are making mistakes, sometimes causing losses, yet the business will pay the employee or even the contractor for the time which is being spent doing the work, including computer work
Only in the indian tech and internet sector, the shameless cheater liar companies are encouraging powerful greedy LIAR government employees like goan gsb fraud CHEATER caro, CHEATER chodankar/naik to criminally defame a hardworking single woman engineer, making fake allegations without any proof for more than 14 years, and then falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends who do not pay expenses, do not do computer work, own the domains, bank account of a single woman engineer to get them no work, no investment government jobs, great powers at the expense of the online worker, investor
For this the fraud tech, internet companies are installing sophisticated wifi hacking equipment and then making fake claims about the lazy greedy young relatives of homeowner in whose house the hacking equipment is installed, like CHEATER LIAR married accenture employee short slim architect telugu trisha error message
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Income tax department should investigate how haryana’s top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge spends more than Rs 1 lakh every month on holidays/vacation
Though the domain investor is making a loss, government agencies continue to harass her, making fake black money allegations without any proof, wasting crores of rupees in the process.
In contrast the government agencies refuse to investigate those who obviously have plenty of money, lead a very lavish lifestyle. From her instagram account, it is clear that haryana’s top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge is spending more than Rs 1 lakh every month on holidays/vacation. While some employees are making plenty of money, they usually do not have time to go on a holiday every month.
Only in case of haryana’s top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge she has plenty of money and free time to go on a holiday every month, spending at least Rs 1 lakh on the holiday.
For example the airticket/travel expenses from Gurgaon to goa alone for ruthless raw employee ruchita kinge and her family would cost Rs 50000-60000. Since she stayed in goa for at least 5-6 days, she must have spent Rs 50000 or more on the hotel, lodging, food and other facilities.
haryana’s top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge is spending more than Rs 1 lakh every month on holidays/vacation, yet she refuses to even spend Rs 10000 monthly to purchase domains, though she gets a monthly government salary only for faking domain ownership
Income tax department should investigate how india’s top online fraudster gurugram raw employee ruchita kinge gets money to lead a lavish lifestyle
India’s top online, banking fraudster haryana gurugram raw employee ruchita kinge now holidaying in goa
The massive banking, online, financial fraud masterminded by the top tech and internet companies has made their favorite fraudster India’s top online, banking fraudster raw employee ruchita kinge extremely rich and powerful. While employees get one holiday in year, the internet sectors favorite fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, takes expensive holidays every month using the massive amount of black money she has
After her Rs 21000/day holiday in Jaipur, india’s top online fraudster raw employee ruchita kinge is now holidaying in goa according to her social media profile. Yet showing widespread financial fraud in the internet sector ruthless raw employee ruchita kinge, like amita patel, other fraud raw/cbi employees refuses to legally purchase this and other domains, though they get a monthly indian government salary for faking domain ownership.
Instead of blindly believing in the fake black money allegations against those who have very less money, the income tax department should investigate how india’s top online fraudster raw employee ruchita kinge is getting the money to go on expensive holidays every month, leading a very lavish lifestyle.
Due to government resume robbery, banking fraud, taxable online business income greatly reduces
In a major online financial fraud, government agencies are robbing the data of an online business owner, private citizens to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees like haryana cheater mba raw employee ruchita kinge who then get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online business owner. The fraud raw/cbi employees then use their great powers to block almost all the orders, payment to the online business owner, who they have ruthlessly cheated, exploited, robbed to get a no work, no investment government job in the indian internet sector.
So due to the government banking fraud, resume robbery of private citizens to make fake claims abouts its CALL GIRL, housewife, stock broker, haryana human monster human resources manager and other fraud employees, the online business income has reduced greatly, yet the banking fraudster raw/cbi employees continue to make fake black money allegations.
India’s top online banking fraudster haryana gurugram cheater raw employee ruchita kinge has plenty of black money to enjoy holidays in Rs 21000/day luxury hotels
The lifestyle of a person is an indication of how much money a person has. Professionals who mainly have salary income usually take a holiday only once a year or less often and they will usually live in hotels costing Rs 3000 or less per day.
While tech and internet companies continue to criminally defame the domain investor, making complete fake allegations of black money without any proof, they conveniently ignore the well paid bribe taking top government employees who are abusing their powers to collect massive bribes. They then use the bribe money to lead a very lavish lifestyle.
One of the top bribe collectors is India’s top online banking fraudster haryana gurugram cheater raw employee ruchita kinge who has plenty of black money to enjoy holidays in Rs 21000/day luxury hotels almost every month. In August end she enjoyed a 10 day vacation in a 5 star american hotel in delhi, and then within a few weeks she was posting photos of herself in the swimming pool of a Rs 21000/day Jaipur luxury hotel
Instead of wasting time monitoring the real domain investor who is making huge business losses, the officials and companies should find out how their favorite fraud ruchita kinge is getting so much money.
Income tax returns again prove that BANKING fraudster raw/cbi employees are using ROBBED data to make fake claims
Income tax returns filed in 2023 again prove that the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, haryana human monster ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gsb architect kalpana nayak and other raw/cbi employees, never had any online income at all.
Yet only to steal the data of a single woman engineer, make fake claims and get a monthly government salary, the single woman engineer was criminally defamed and put under surveillance so that all her information could be easily robbed and make fake claims about the relatives and friends of top government officials to get them no computer work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector, in a sophisticated form of bribery.
Indian tech and internet companies showed their lack of honesty, humanity supporting the financial fraud of high status greedy liar raw/cbi employees since 2010.
Income tax returns expose madhya pradesh EXTORTION RACKET on domain investor to get indore cheater housewife deepika/veena monthly government salary
Though the madhya pradesh government and its favorite FRAUD housewife DOMAIN FRAUDSTER indore CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena refuse to purchase domains since 2010 despite getting a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership , they have plenty of money to advertise on the front page of times of india about gareeb kalyan ( welfare of the poor)
The dishonest indian mainstream media especially times of india does not have the honesty and humanity to expose the massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET of the GREEDY madhya pradesh government on hardworking harmless professionals/investors from other states like the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer to get greatest cheater housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary since 2010 FAKING domain ownership, online income, paypal, bank account in mumbai.
though the goa 1989 jee topper had never visited madhya pradesh government anytime in a clear case of EXTORTION , the liar indore officials/leaders are falsely claiming that the harmless single woman engineer is a massive security threat to the state,to rob her resume, data and get its FRAUD housewife DOMAIN FRAUDSTER indore CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena a monthly government salary in the internet sector since 2010
The indian mainstream media is aware that its favorite FRAUD housewife DOMAIN FRAUDSTER indore CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh, has never invested money in domains like her fraud boyfriends puneet, prakash from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay , yet only to get its favorite FRAUD housewife DOMAIN FRAUDSTER indore CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena a monthly government salary they are spreading fake rumors since the money will spent or invested in the state
The domains are always for sale, worldwide people are purchasing domains, only the greedy shameless madhya pradesh government and the other cheater states like goa, haryana, gujarat involved in similar EXTORTION rackets do not have the honesty and humanity to legally purchase the domains, instead continue their EXTORTION RACKET, RESUME ROBBERY since 2010
When the victim of madhya pradesh government extortion, SLAVERY racket, banking fraud is protesting, instead of ending its fraud, the cheater liar madhya pradesh government officials/leaders are further criminally defaming the investor, questioning the investor’s mental health for exposing their massive financial fraud which can be legally proved using the income tax returns, bank details of the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees.
Government agencies refuse to acknowledge that internet sector income can reduce to a great extent, continues to make fake black money allegations
While in most professions, like law, healthcare, education, experienced professionals are usually paid far more than freshers in the tech and internet sector at least in india experienced webmasters, domain investors , workers are ruthlessly CHEATED, EXPLOITED, ROBBED by indian tech, internet companies, government agencies who are openly involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY making fake claims and rewarding lazy greedy young frauds who do not do any computer work, with great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor
To justify the government SLAVERY of the domain investor, the LIAR government agencies are making fake black money allegations without any kind of legally valid proof.